
On our way to Dresden!

02 Mai 2024

Julie is excited to be returning to Dresden were she will deliver a lecture to students of the LL.M. in International Studies in Intellectual Property Law.

Julie set to attend the MARQUES Annual Meeting in Berlin

07 Sep 2023

We are pleased to announce that Julie will be attending the MARQUES Annual Meeting in Berlin from 19th to 22nd September. This prestigious event brings together brand owners and legal practitioners...

One year Umami Law!

15 Jan 2021

One year Umami Law !

What a year it has been.
Starting a company is always a challenge but doing so during the pandemic brings its share of surprises.

I’ve learnt a lot on Spanish company law✏️, ...

Julie now contributing to the Kluwer Trademark Blog!

07 Août 2020

Julie has joined the team of professionals contributing to the Kluwer Trademark Blog, one of the most read blogs in the IP world!
THE expert blog to check out comments on recent decisions or legal ...

Lecture on Community Design Law

21 Mai 2020

EUIPO – COVID-19 – Further deadline extension

04 Mai 2020

Following up on its decision No. EX 20-3 of 16 March 2020 extending all EUIPO deadlines until 1 May 2020, the EUIPO’s Executive Director issued another decision on deadline extensions. According to...

France - Cancellation proceedings before the French IPO (trade marks)

27 Avr 2020

The long-awaited administrative cancellation actions are now available in France. Since 1 April 2020, most cancellation actions have become administrative proceedings and must be filed with the Fre...

EUIPO - Covid-19

16 Mar 2020

The EUIPO's Executive Director just issued Decision No.EX-20-3 according to which all deadlines expiring between 9 March 2020 and 30 April 2020 inclusive that affect all parties in proceedings befo...

Umami Law attending EUIPO’s IP Case Law Conference in 21-22 May 2020

09 Mar 2020

Julie will be attending the EUIPO’s 2020 edition of its IP Case Law Conference 21-22 May 2020 in Alicante.
The two days conference has now become one of the biggest IP events in Alicante with spea...

Brexit and EUTMs – what happens now ?

17 Fév 2020

The United Kingdom has now officially left the European Union on 31 January 2020. What does it mean for European Union Trade Mark (EUTM) owners ? Will your EUTMs be affected? Do you need to registe...

Umami Law attending ECTA’s round table “Design ReEvolution” on 13 February 2020

10 Fév 2020

The European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA) is organising its Alicante round table on 13 February 2020. This year's edition is dedicated to design law.
We are particularly looking forwar...

Umami Law is officially online!

06 Fév 2020
12 articles

Last articles

On our way to Dresden!

Julie set to attend the MARQUES Annual Meeting in Berlin

One year Umami Law!

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